In 2017, Legion, based on the Marvel Comics by Chris Claremont and Bill Sienkiewicz, debuted as FOX’s major international premiere. The series, featuring Dan Stevens as David Haller, a young man with extraordinary abilities, required a robust digital launch strategy. I spearheaded the campaign, focusing heavily on social media to build excitement and engagement. This included the creation of bespoke digital assets, such as adapted key art, episodic imagery, and trailers tailored to resonate with the audience.

Additionally, I managed live coverage from New York Comic-Con, providing real-time updates and interactions that amplified the show’s visibility. The campaign successfully generated significant buzz, positioning Legion as a standout series and effectively leveraging innovative digital strategies to drive viewer interest and engagement.

Legion: Crafting a Captivating Digital Campaign for a Marvel Hit

Noah Hawley’s adaptation of the obscure Marvel property in Legion redefined the mutant X-Men universe with its unique, off-kilter visual style. To match the show’s distinctiveness, we developed a dynamic digital campaign that captivated fans and kept them engaged. Our efforts included creating stunning social media assets—such as striking imagery, GIFs, boomerangs, and cinemagraphs—that resonated with the show’s riveting aesthetic and reached audiences worldwide.

Additionally, Legion marked a milestone as the first FOX International campaign to share a Facebook page with its US counterpart, FX Networks, on a global scale. This strategic move not only unified our digital presence but also amplified our reach, enhancing the show’s visibility and engagement across all continents.

A visual masterpiece about mental illness and mutant powers.

FOX Networks Group
2016 - 2017
Social media campaign. Digital branding. Live event coverage.